New Citroën Jumpy, versatile light commercial vehicle, now available with a new look. Discover it exclusively and order online or instore.

Jumpy unique features

Modernes Styling
Der neue Jumpy verfügt über eine neue Frontpartie, die ihm ein modernes Styling verleiht und seine Persönlichkeit unterstreicht. Im Inneren ist das neue Armaturenbrett nicht nur raffinierter,  dank zusätzlicher Staufächer ist es auch praktischer.
Technologie für mehr Komfort

Das zentrale 10-Zoll-HD-Display und das hochmoderne Infotainment-System machen das Leben an Bord noch einfacher.



Leichteres Fahren

Mit 16 Assistenzsystemen, die Sie unterstützen und Ihre täglichen Wege sicherer machen, sowie der fortschrittlichen Dynamic Surround Vision-Funktion, die Sie sehen lässt, was Ihre Augen allein nicht sehen können, fahren Sie sicherer als je zuvor!


2 sizes


4 engines


X body colours



Jumpy, your simple choice starts at XX XXX€ or XX€/ month*

2 sizes

4 engines

X colours


Jumpy, your simple choice starts at

XX XXX€ or XX€/month*

5,3 - 6,6 m3
Max. Ladevolumen
2,5 - 4,02 m
4 unterschiedliche Motoren
Benzin oder Diesel von 120 PS bis 180 PS
7,3 L/100km
Kombinierter Verbrauch für den 145-PS-Dieselmotor

Jumpy is available with 1 base level of equipment

Starting from XX XXX € or XX €/month



  • New Citroën Logo
  • Manual Air Conditioning
  • Connect box with pack SOS & connected services
  • Safety Pack
  • Visibilty Pack : Automatic lighting & front wiping
  • Athermic windshield
  • Driver seat with armrest, height & lumbar adjustment

Jumpy is available in 2 sizes

Größe M
Ab 35.982,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*



 1895 mm - 1935 mm



4983 mm



2204 mm



1397 mm



2512 mm - 3674 mm



 1258 mm - 1628 mm



5,3 - 5,8m3

Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht


2600 - 3100 kg


(2)Lange Ausführung

(3)Ohne Worksite Pack

(4)Mit Worksite Pack

(5)Ohne / mit 1 / mit 2 Schiebetür(en)

Größe XL
Ab 38.150,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*



1397 mm (max)



5333 mm



 2204 mm



1932 mm




2862 mm - 4026 mm



 1258 mm - 1628 mm



6,1 - 6,6 m3

Zulässiges Gesamtgewicht


2800 - 3100 kg


(2)Lange Ausführung

(3)Ohne Worksite Pack

(4)Mit Worksite Pack

(5)Ohne / mit 1 / mit 2 Schiebetür(en)

Jumpy is available with 4 engines

Diesel | 120 PS | Manuell



164 - 191 g/km



Gemischter Verbrauch:

6,6 L/100 Km

Ab 35.982,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*

Diesel | 145 PS | Manuell



186 - 211 g/km



Gemischter Verbrauch:

7,2 L/100km

Ab 40.098,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*

Diesel | 145 PS | Automatik



186 - 215 g/km



Gemischter Verbrauch:

7,3 L/100km

Ab 42.736,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*

Diesel | 180 PS | Automatik



182 - 208 g/km



Gemischter Verbrauch:

7,2 L/100km

Ab 43.682,00 € inkl. MwSt. inkl. NoVA*

Jumpy is available in 4 colors

Buy Online or Instore

Buy your vehicle online in just a few steps or go to your local dealer close to your home.


Choose your version, color and options or select a vehicle in stock.


Select your favorite dealership., a payment method (cash or monthly) and registration options.


Fill the required personnal information, validate and pay safely online.


Your Citroen dealership will contact you to welcome you as Citroën owner and inform you about your car delivery.

Shipping options

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Payment options

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How do I order online?


On this website , you are able to review our offers and personalise an offer to suit your needs and if you would like you can continue to order online.

You can personalise an offer by configuring the car for example choosing from the available paints, engines, interior trims and options.

You can personalise the finance settings by adjusting the term, mileage and cash deposit levels. Please note that currently this website only offers the ability to order online with Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) finance through Stellantis Financial Services UK Limited, the official finance partner of Citroën UK. However other finance options are available and you can discuss these with any of our Citroën retailers. 

Once you have personalised the offer to suit your needs, you can choose to continue to order online, save it so you can review it later or send us a request for assistance and we'll get in touch to help.

If you would like to order online you will need some key pieces of information in order to complete the process. You will need to have handy your driving licence, bank information and employment details. This information is required to apply for finance. 

The online process can take between 20-30 minutes and there is help available along the way via phone, email or live chat.



I have a question about Ordering Online, who can help me?


Our Online Sales Support Team are available 8am-8pm Monday/Friday and 10am-4pm Saturday/Sunday/English Bank Holidays.

Please call on 0800 042 2255, Email: or through Live Chat.

Our network of UK Retailers will also be happy to assist. 



What finance options are available online?


PCP (Personal Contract Purchase) is currently the only available finance option on this website.

Other finance options are available but currently only through our network of Citroën retailers.



What is PCP finance?


PCP means Personal Contract Purchase and is a way of financing a vehicle purchase.

With Personal Contract Purchase (PCP), you can purchase your vehicle with a deposit, monthly payments and, if you wish to own the vehicle at the end, a balloon payment (also know as the Guaranteed Future Value). Since you won’t have to pay for part of the car until the end of the contract, this gives you additional flexibility.



I currently own a car. Can I use it as a part exchange?


If you currently own a car you may want to part exchange this for a new vehicle.

On this website , we are able to give you an estimated valuation for your current car for guidance purposes only. 

However, our network of Citroën retailers will be able to assist you further with your current car and, after inspection, give you a firm valuation for your current car.



If I order online, how long it will take for me to get my new car?


During your online journey, we will show you an indicative lead time to build one. However, we do have stock of certain vehicles and may be able to offer you an earlier handover if that is convenient.

If you need a very quick delivery, please contact us and we can explain what vehicles are currently available. Or you can always contact our network of Citroën retailers.


What happens if I want to make a change to my online order?


If you want to make any changes to your order, please contact our Online Sales Support Team who are available 8am-8pm Monday/Friday and 10am-4pm Saturday/Sunday/English Bank Holidays on 0800 042 2255 or or through Live Chat.

Or contact your selected retailer directly.


How do I find my local Citroën Retailer?


You can find the contact details of your nearest Citroën Retailer on the Online Store Locator as you progress through your online order.

Or, you can find them directly by clicking here.  


Who is supplying my new vehicle?


Please see the Citroën store Terms and Conditions here at the bottom of the page that will explain the roles of the different partners in the order online process. But your order will be placed with your prefered Citroën retailer.



How to use a promo code?


To use a promo code, on CItroën Store, simply pick the model and trim that you're interested in, personalise it the way you like and then go to the Order Summary page by clicking Continue. On the Order Summary page, you'll see a box labelled ADD A PROMO CODE. Simply add the code you've been given into this box and then click on the Apply button to receive the discount.

Note - only one valid Promo Code can be applied to an Order.

Ready to go offers

Discover our pre-configurized offers ready to order online or in store. Select your vehicle, customize it further if you want to and proceed to order or a test drive.
Optimal für Lieferungen

Der neue Jumpy – Größe M – Perla Nera Schwarz

Diesel - Blue HDI 120 PS – manuell

28.100 € exkl. Steuer


Spezifische Lieferoptionen:

  • City Pack (beinhaltet u.a.):

         - Rückfahrkamera

         - Neues 10" Infotainmentsystem mit Touchscreen in HD inkl. Mirror-Screen Funktion

         - 10" Digitaler Tachometer in Farbe

  • Ersatzreifen

1.080 € exkl. Steuer



29.180€ exkl. Steuer
Optimal für Bauarbeiter

Der neue Jumpy – Größe XL – Titane grau

Diesel - Blue HDI 120 PS – manuell

29.600 € exkl. Steuer


Spezifische Optionen für Bauarbeiter:

  • Worksite Pack (enthält u.a.):

         - Erhöhte Nutzlast
         - Reserverad
         - Stahlrad 17 Zoll
         - Grip Control
         - Schutzplatte unter dem Motor

  • Inklusive Anhängerkupplung

1.340 € exkl. Steuer

30.940 € exkl. Steuer
Optimal für Selbstständige

Der neue Jumpy – Größe M – Kaolin Weiß

Diesel – Blue HDI 145 PS – Automatik

31.600 € exkl. Steuer


Spezielle Optionen für Selbstständige:

  • Unabhängige werksspezifische Optionen:

         - Schiebetüren links und rechts

         - Beifahrer-Doppelsitzbank inkl. Durchladefunktion zum Laden langer Gegenstände

         - Boden- und Seitenverkleidung aus Holz

1.590 € exkl. Steuer




33.190 € exkl. Steuer

Need your van sooner ?  Get your Jumpy in 14 days

Discover all vehicles available in stock

Spoticar: your official Citroën approved used van

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A full set of car services

Discover our services dedicated to New ë-Berlingo van. You can also explore all of our other services.


Erleichtern Sie sich die Wartung aller Fahrzeuge Ihrer Flotte, indem Sie alle gesammelten Daten auf der speziellen Free2Move-Website abrufen.

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Citroën Assistance

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Citroën Dealers : less than 13 minutes* driving time
Citroën Repairers : less than 9 minutes* driving time
(*on average)


More than 370 Citroën Dealers
More than 1 700 Citroën Repairers
(all over the country)


Rating of our Products : 4,6/5
Rating of our After Sales Services : 4,8/5
(Advisor : Certified Customer Reviews)